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Court Summary Programs
Offered Online & In Person

We offer Court Approved 52 week Batterers' Treatment, Anger Management, Child Endangerment/Child Abuse programs.

Clearance on minute order if waiting to do through online platform Zoom.

All classes offered in person and on Zoom.

Image by Briana Tozour

Domestic Violence Support Group & Education for Victims of Violent crimes

This program is for domestic violence survivors and their families. It aims to provide emotional support, information, and resources.

Cost: $50 enrollment cost (one-time fee), and $30/week

Pregnant woman, man, and child on beach

Parenting Classes

This program teaches skills that enable parents to deal constructively and consistently with child-rearing challenges.

This program is customized towards your individual needs and can cover topics such as school behavior, sibling rivalry, communication, etc.

Cost: $25 enrollment cost (one-time fee), and $30/week

Man calmly standing on beach

Anger Management

This program is designed to teach clients the skills to control their emotions that can lead to destructive behavior and find productive outlets to manage anger.

Classes are offered as 6-52 week programs.

Cost: $50 enrollment cost (one-time fee), and $30/week

Writing on Beach

Batterers' Treatment

This program aims to address and correct the behavior of the offender. We will share skills for nonviolence, and provide training on how to implement the skills in order to promote victim safety.

Court approved 52 week program.

Cost: $50 enrollment cost (one-time fee), and $30/week

Family of four on beach

Child Endangerment/

Court approved 52 week program.

Cost: $50 enrollment cost (one-time fee), and $30/week

Businessman on Phone

Life Skills

This program will provide life skills to individuals who were long term offenders in the state prison system.  We want to help you redevelop yourself and rejoin the community.

Cost: $25 enrollment cost (one-time fee), and $30/week

Chatting Over Coffee


Dynamics offers one-on-one, couples, family counseling, and group counseling for victims of violent crimes.  Through counseling, Dynamics can help individuals support themselves and each other.

We have a licensed therapist on the team to address your needs.  Call to inquire: 909-273-0014.

Man with laptop

Parolee Re-Entry Services

Call to inquire about our Parolee Re-Entry Services: 909-273-0014.

Judge's Gavel on Books

Court Summary

We offer court summary for approved participants.

Cost: $50 enrollment cost (one-time fee), and $30/week

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